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Extract the contents to Novetus/Addons
Edit masterscript.lua and change the configuration settings
Change the REALIPADDR variable to your publicly accessible IP, and REALIP_PORT to the port number for accessing your Novetus dedicated server.
Note: If you're using other custom addon scripts, do not replace AddonLoader.lua. Instead, open the file and manually add the string "masterScript" to the Addons table.
my server isnt showing up
Make sure you're using the IPV4 address of your server. IPV6 or domains do not work properly.
Check that you extracted the files properly. Examples of improper extraction:
You put directly inside the "addons" folder.
You extracted like "Novetus/addons/addon/...".
You put inside the "addons/core" folder.
Refresh the page properly. Press CTRL + F5 to reload and clear your cache.
i or someone else cant access the website
Try connecting via a VPN. Some ISPs block Bricklines servers. ProtonVPN (Free Version) Registration
Try using a different browser.
If you're seeing an invalid response error, you just have to wait until it fixes itself. The reason for this error is unknown.
Clear your browser history, cookies, and cache.
Disable web extensions.